These attractions are the prefect addition to our main services. These can only be rented in combination with our main services. For an overviw of the most common combinations click on "Combination packages" in the left menu
An ideal combination for the somewhat larger festivitites. Fun entertainment with balloons and delicous fresh baked porpcorn. Balloonartist of choice, popcorn can be either sweet or salty.
Making a Grand opening visually attarctive, festive and spectacular is easy with this guiant inflatable box. By opening the lid you will release up tot 200 heliumballoons. A very festive sight.
The trend of this moment! Glittertattoos look amazing and can last up to a week. For the boys we also have special ink, making it look as if they have a real tattoo.
Crafts! Every child likes it! Colouring, cutting, pasting, you can do it all on our crafts table! For smaller (private) parties this table can be done without guidance. For larger (public) events it's done with guidance. When guided crafting in a specific theme is also possible.
Throw the rings on the bollards and try to score the most points. Consists of 2 bollards in different heights. Great for parties with a pirate or maritime theme.
Delicoius traditional Dutch mini-pancakes, better knows as poffertjes. Freshly baked, with a lumb of butter and icing sugar on top. We gladly come to your event or party to make this happen.
Let kids enjoy endless fun with the colorful Springkussen Circus! Featuring a slide for extra excitement and perfect for any garden. Ideal for birthday parties and neighborhood events!
The ever so popular sweet treat is also available with Clown Zassie Entertainment! People will come swarming towards your event just becasue of the smell of cotton candy!
A magical, interactive and storytelling workshop. Under the guidance of a wizard or witch, children will make a magical magic sphere. This workshop is full of Sorcery, dragon snot, evening red, real fake spiders and more.